This site features photography and design, and anything I think is cool at any particular moment! both mine,and others. I want to show ideas as well as images that might be entertaining, thought provoking,or just because I can! Leave me some comments people!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
One of my favorite bands is DEVO. They were/are very creative and conceptual with a lot of humor too. A lot of space age references. We saw the band in Cleveland close to their hometown of Akron. The band started as a conceptual art project when they were students at Kent state. They had to learn how to play the instruments to go along with the concept. One of their songs I especially like is "space junk" it is a song about space junk i.e. used satellites etc. falling to earth and hitting people in the head. Since I am a someone who grew up watching rockets going into the sky, and landing on the moon, this is the thing for me. I was totally into it recently when the navy sent a missile into the sky and blasted a defective satellite. space is the place!
I'm someone who has always kept my eyes open. I am able to see the photo opportunities in the everyday landscape.I am also glad to have the chance to show the ideas in everyday life and in the media that are funny or interesting upon closer examination.